Clear & Honest Answers
To Questions About Your Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Attorney Shawn Taylor

How much can you get in SSD?

On Behalf of | Jun 19, 2023 | Social Security Disability |

Workers in West Virginia are eligible to apply for SSD benefits if they become disabled. The main qualification is having worked for a long enough period to have paid into the Social Security system. If you are approved for benefits, you will receive your benefits monthly. The basis is that you must have a condition that lasts for at least a year or can result in death.

What issues can affect your payment?

There are several factors that can affect the total amount of your SSD payments. The most important of these will be your work and salary history. The longer you have worked and the more you have earned, the higher your payment will be.

Currently, the average SSD payment amounts to $1,483 a month. In most cases, the total extent of your benefits can vary between $800 to $1,800 a month. The maximum amount of monthly benefits that a person can expect is just over $3,600.

Keep in mind that nearly two-thirds of SSDI recipients will get less than the average payout. In fact, only about 10% are currently eligible to receive an amount of $2,000 a month or more.

How can you determine your SSD payout?

The easiest way to determine the total extent of your SSD benefits will be to receive an official estimate straight from the source. You can do this by creating an online account at My Social Security. Once you do so, you can then input the requested information. You will then be given a number that you can rely on for future life planning.

If you should pass away while receiving your benefits, there are certain members of your family who may be eligible to inherit them. Eligible family members include your spouse, former spouse and children. This especially applies if your spouse is over 62 or caring for a disabled child.

People who qualify for SSD benefits can also be eligible for support from Medicare. To receive Medicare support, you will first need to complete an eligibility period. The normal time to do so is 24 months. Upon completing the eligibility period, you will then be entitle you to federal health care coverage.