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To Questions About Your Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Attorney Shawn Taylor

Why you should act quickly after your SSD claim is denied

On Behalf of | Oct 12, 2023 | Social Security Disability |

When your Social Security Disability (SSD) claim gets denied, you might feel understandably discouraged. However, many West Virginia applicants initially receive a denial, which is not the end of the road if you take action immediately to respond. The following points discuss why you must take quick action after a claim denial and how it can affect your chances of receiving the benefits you deserve.

Understanding the SSD appeals process

If you want to appeal the denial of your claim successfully, understand that the SSD appeals process involves specific deadlines and requires prompt action so that you can meet them. If your claim gets denied, you will receive a letter stating the reason for the decision.

You may need to gather additional information and evidence to support your claim, and quick action allows you the time to get additional medical documentation and other supporting evidence. If you get denied more than once, you can request a hearing, which keeps the claim process moving forward.

Continuity of care

When you act quickly to appeal your denied Social Security Disability claim, you may need to supply up-to-date medical records, which is an important component of an appeal. Your most recent medical records will also reflect your condition’s severity, providing more supporting evidence for your case.

In many cases, a denial happens partly because the individual has not provided sufficient medical evidence to prove that their medical condition will keep them from working for at least 12 months. If you need more medical information, obtaining additional, current medical opinions can strengthen your appeal.

There is no limit to the number of appeals you can make to your claim, so it’s essential to continue necessary medical care to document evidence of your ongoing disability, regardless of where you are in the disability appeal process. As part of your claim appeal, you must prove that you are keeping up with your doctor’s recommended treatment plan.

Protect your finances

It is essential to appeal as quickly as possible to get the financial support you need and deserve without exhausting your savings. You could potentially miss out on back pay if you delay responding to your denied claim. If you need to appeal a second denial, you can request a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge. At the hearing, you can present new or relevant information about your condition to the judge and answer any questions about your case.