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Clear & Honest Answers
To Questions About Your Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Attorney Shawn Taylor

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Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a government program for people with low income who meet certain eligibility requirements.

Those eligibility requirements involve your income, living situation and how many dependents you have. These requirements are:

  • You are over 65, blind or disabled; and
  • You are under a certain income, have few assets and are a U.S. citizen or national

Eligibility requirements change year to year, so if you are not sure about whether you qualify, you can call Shawn Taylor PLLC, at 304-932-4619.

SSI is different than Social Security Disability benefits, which is a program based on work history (not income). You can receive more than one type of benefit at a time, provided you qualify for both programs.

Do I Need An SSI Lawyer?

You do not need an attorney to file an SSI claim. However, representation can help a great deal, particularly if you are seeking both SSI and SSDI benefits. Statistically, people who have representation are more likely to be successful in obtaining benefits.

The process is complex, and a single mistake can lead to an extended delay or denial of your claim. And because of the number of claimants, doing things the right way the first time is important to receiving the benefits you need as soon as possible.

We Offer Free Consultations

At Shawn Taylor PLLC, we never charge to meet with one of our friendly and knowledgeable staff and ask questions. We also do not accept a legal fee unless we recover on your behalf.

We are located in Charleston, West Virginia, and regularly represent people throughout West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio. You can meet our attorney in person at our office or virtually using Teams or Zoom. You can also use virtually attend court hearings instead of traveling to the courthouse. Call us at 304-932-4619 or email us to get started.