West Virginia residents who have applied for Social Security Disability benefits and have had their claims rejected may be able to appeal their cases all the way to the administrative hearing level. At this point, a judge will review the matter and determine whether...
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To Questions About Your Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Month: July 2019
Application rules for disability benefits
West Virginia residents who want to apply for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration should understand the requirements for doing so. One way to do this is to look at the process used by the Social Security Administration to determine applicants'...
Medical records and Social Security disability benefits
West Virginia residents who apply for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration do not need to have a past medical history. However, disability examiners tend to prefer applicants to present records that demonstrate past medical treatment....
Rheumatoid arthritis and SSD
West Virginia residents who have rheumatoid arthritis and who want to apply for Social Security Disability benefits should understand how work activity factors into the decision of whether they are able to receive them. Applicants cannot be employed and earning an...
Disability benefits for Sjogren’s Syndrome
Your recent diagnosis of Sjogren's Syndrome may have you scratching your head. What is this strange condition that is difficult to pronounce and even more difficult to diagnose? Your West Virginia primary care physician may have sent you from one specialist to...
Few disabilities automatically qualify one for SSD benefits
The Social Security disability determination procedure is a complicated system of rules, regulations and prior decisions. Many West Virginia residents who have had a work accident or otherwise have an inability to work apply for SSD benefits only to find that they are...