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Clear & Honest Answers
To Questions About Your Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Attorney Shawn Taylor


Thank you very much for the compliments. You’re very kind. I just wanted to reach out to thank you for your time and assistance. You and your staff have been absolutely wonderful throughout this whole process. I honestly have no idea how people with debilitating chronic conditions are able to successfully navigate the intricacies of these claims without representation. Thank you for representing me. One other thing I’d like to mention- you have absolutely struck gold in Nikki and Brenda! Nikki is so knowledgeable, and is always willing to patiently answer my questions or talk me through any concerns. She has put my mind at ease numerous times over the past several months. Brenda is just absolutely lovely and is always willing to help with whatever I need. These ladies have been my main points of contact with your office, and I feel an obligation to let you know just how well they represent your office (although, I’m sure you already knew that). They are both incredible women.

Thank you again for your time and attention. I look forward to receiving your follow up letter.

Best Regards,


I will also definitely recommend him to anyone I know that could use his services. You all have been great at doing what needed to be done. Shawn was very well organized and right on top of everything and did a great job in preparing me to know what to expect.

Also, I want to say you are great at your job. I know I’ve said it before but it’s the truth. Out of all of my customer service type experiences you are by far the greatest person I have spoken with (or typed with). You are very quick to respond and have the most complete answers/information you could possibly have. I appreciated that and it helped boost my confidence in knowing I picked the right office to help me with my situation.

I hope you let Shawn know all I said about you so he can understand just how valuable you truly are.

Thank you,