Clear & Honest Answers
To Questions About Your Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Attorney Shawn Taylor

Experienced Help Getting The Federal Disability Benefits You Deserve

At Shawn Taylor, PLLC, we understand that being unable to work due to disability is one of the most difficult obstacles you will face in your life. Federal disability benefits can provide the financial support you need to take care of yourself and your family.

We are an experienced and ethical disability law firm dedicated to helping people who are unable to work due to disabling medical conditions, whether physical or mental. Our attorney, Shawn Taylor, has personally helped thousands of claimants successfully obtain disability benefits. He is a former municipal judge and assistant attorney general who focuses exclusively on Social Security law, drawing on 30-plus years of experience.

Give us a call today at 304-932-4619. There is never any cost to meeting with us initially and discussing your options.

What Is Social Security Disability Insurance?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD/SSDI) provides income and medical benefits if you can’t engage in substantial gainful employment due to a chronic and disabling condition. To qualify for SSD benefits, you must meet work history and other eligibility requirements, including proving that you are disabled by providing detailed medical evidence. SSDI may also be available to family members who meet eligibility requirements.

SSDI is not welfare. You have paid into the system in the form of taxes. Getting benefits when you need them is why you have paid into the system to begin with, just like any insurance policy.

What Is Supplemental Security Income?

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a disability benefits program similar to SSD. However, there are some key differences. SSI is a low-income program for those whose assets and income are below a certain level. It’s available to people who are blind, disabled or over age 65 as well as their eligible family members. Some people qualify for both SSD and SSI benefits.

Important Information For People Applying For Disability Benefits

SSDI covers basic costs of living for people with a disabling condition expected to last for more than one year. You do not have to be disabled for over one year before applying for benefits. It is important to apply for benefits immediately upon becoming disabled.

The application process for both SSD and SSI can be complicated. We’ll help you understand how and when to apply.

We Help Those Who Have Been Denied Benefits

The majority of initial applications to obtain SSDI benefits are denied. If you are denied, we can take on your appeal – and we won’t accept any fees unless we are successful in getting you benefits.

Let’s Talk About Your Eligibility For Disability Benefits

Federal disability benefits are complicated and confusing. Our attorney understands the many intricacies of SSD and SSI rules. He knows the application and appeals process inside and out.

Talk to Mr. Taylor about your case. Call our office in Charleston at 304-932-4619. You can also reach us through email. There is no cost to call and get information, so there is no risk or obligation. We serve clients throughout West Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio.