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To Questions About Your Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Attorney Shawn Taylor

Why might a claim for SSDI benefits result in denial?

On Behalf of | Mar 31, 2024 | Social Security Disability |

The Social Security Disability Insurance system is a program that is designed to provide benefits to individuals who have health conditions that diminish their ability to maintain gainful employment. However, even if you face a situation in life in which you feel that applying for SSDI is the best path, this can still be a stressful process. 

Not only can this be a complex process to navigate, but the notion that there is a possibility that your application may be denied can also be a daunting concept. There are various types of reasons why a claim for SSDI benefits could result in denial, and knowing these reasons could be vital to preparing to navigate the process. 

Common reasons 

Understanding why an SSDI claim might result in denial can be integral to reducing the risks of encountering similar challenges. Some common reasons for such an outcome may include: 

  • Your income: The SSA may decide to deny your claim for benefits if the information they have shows that your income exceeds the threshold for eligibility. This threshold currently sits at around $1,470 a month. 
  • Your condition: A denial for benefits could also occur if the SSA claims that your health condition is not a qualifying medical condition, but you may retain the right to appeal this decision. 
  • Medical records: Lack of medical evidence and records is another issue that could affect the outcome of your claim. Taking steps to ward off such issues could be vital to preserving your future interests. 
  • Work credits: There are also eligibility requirements stemming from the topic of work credits. The amount of work credits required to be eligible for SSDI may depend on several factors. 

Making errors on your application or filling out the wrong forms when appealing a denied claim are two more types of issues that may increase the risk that the SSA might deny your claim for SSDI benefits. 

Navigating the process 

Receiving the news that your claim for SSDI benefits was denied can be exceedingly harrowing. With what’s at stake, it might be in your best interests to seek guidance on every step to take to help stave off such risks and safeguard your interests. If you have already received a notification of denial, seeking advice in preparing to appeal the decision may also prove essential to preparing to protect your future in West Virginia by helping you know what to expect and how best to approach this process.