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Attorney Shawn Taylor

How to organize your SSD claim

On Behalf of | Apr 19, 2022 | Blog, Social Security Disability |

Are you preparing to file for SSD benefits in the state of West Virginia? This can be a lengthy and complex process. The potential for error is high if you don’t know what you are doing. Here are the steps you can take to organize your claim. Once you do so, you can submit to the SSA to be officially reviewed.

Create a personal case file folder

The first thing you will need to do is create a file for your SSD claim. This will contain your SSA and SOAR paperwork. This folder should have separate sections to help organize your papers, so you can access the needed info in a quick and efficient fashion. Your folder can be the place where you store the following items:

  • Interview notes
  • Signed agency releases of all of the info used to gather your medical records
  • All of your medical records
  • All of your completed SSA forms and worksheets

As you continue to gather medical records, it may be helpful for you to review them. Once you have done so, you can fill out form SSA-3368 Adult Disability Report. This is a worksheet that you are required to fill out. You can do so using the info you have gathered from records stored in your folder.

Write a summary of your medical records

It may also be helpful when applying for SSD benefits to create a short summary of your medical records. This will help you save a lot of time and energy when it comes time for you to create your required Medical Summary Report.

The folder that you create should contain all of the info that you need to submit your application for SSD benefits. After you have submitted it, you will receive an online application receipt.

You will also receive various paperwork from the SSA office. All of these should likewise be stored in your folder. Doing so will enable you to access them if any more information is required.