Many West Virginia workers who have applied for and are awaiting a Social Security disability insurance approval letter struggle with difficult circumstances. Other than trying to cope with the debilitating effects of the physical or mental condition underlying their...
Clear & Honest Answers
To Questions About Your Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Year: 2019
Follow the appeals process after a disability claim denial
The first step to getting Social Security disability benefits in West Virginia is filing a claim with the SSA. For various reasons, the initial claim is often denied. This doesn't mean the claimant cannot get benefits. There is an appeals process that can be utilized...
Does your condition qualify for fast-track disability?
Some medical diagnoses can change your life. When you learn the details of your condition, you realize you will never be the same. The illness may promise to consume your attention, your energy and your money as you strive to control the symptoms. You may be unable to...
Psoriatic arthritis and SSD
Many people living in West Virginia have a diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis. This is a condition that can lead to joint inflammation, mobility impairments and other symptoms, such as severe fatigue. While many people are able to effectively manage this condition,...
Facet arthritis may allow workers to qualify for benefits
Individuals in West Virginia or any other state may be entitled to disability benefits if they have facet arthritis. An application for benefits may be approved if a person can show that this condition results in pain, a loss of motor function or other health issues...
If you have depression, do you qualify for disability benefits?
People who are unable to work because of a medical condition know how hard it is when their limitations affect their finances. The inability to hold gainful employment leads to financial hardship, especially if that individual expects to have his or her medical...
SSA claims may go to claims representative, disability examiner
When a West Virginia resident files a claim with the Social Security Administration for disability benefits, the application will be handled by a claims representative in most cases. The claims representative will typically gather information about the person's...
Determining if a case will win Social Security disability
Individuals who file for Social Security disability in West Virginia may wonder how likely it is that they will receive disability benefits. While there are no specific kinds of cases that are sure to succeed, there is a handbook known as the blue book that lists...
Understanding the requirements to get SSI benefits
West Virginians who are suffering from an injury, illness or condition that leaves them unable to work should consider applying for Social Security disability benefits. For some, other circumstances can combine to make them eligible for Supplemental Security Income....
Getting SSD benefits requires sufficient medical evidence
For West Virginians who suffer from an injury or condition that negatively impacts them physically, mentally or both, receiving Social Security Disability benefits could be a possibility. The benefits might be Social Security Disability insurance or Supplemental...