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To Questions About Your Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Attorney Shawn Taylor

Does diabetes run in a person’s family?

by | May 15, 2020 | Social Security Disability |

Diabetes is a serious and fairly common condition in the United States. It can, in some cases, contribute to a disability case. Every situation is different; some diabetics can work, some cannot. It is important to talk to your doctor about your specific case and what options you have.

One thing you may be wondering is whether diabetes simply runs in your family and you have no say in whether or not you develop the condition or if it is a result of something that you did. The answer depends, as you’ll see, on the type of diabetes that you have.

First of all, there is Type 1 diabetes. This is an autoimmune disorder. It does appear to be more common in some families than in others, so the question about heredity is a wise one. If your family has a history of diabetes, you may develop it through no fault of your own. This is not a condition that you cure, but one that you live with — with proper treatment — for the rest of your life.

Secondly, there is Type 2 diabetes. Although this condition is strongly linked to being overweight and having an excessively high BMI (body mass index), it still has complex causes that aren’t entirely understood — and genetics are still a factor. This is the most common type of diabetes in the U.S., accounting for more than 90% of cases, and your weight is only a contributing factor toward the disease.

If you have diabetes, you know the serious challenges that come with it. Make sure you are also aware of the legal options that you may have to obtain Social Security Disability benefits if you need them.