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Do veterans get enough support?

by | May 8, 2020 | Veterans' Issues |

Veterans put their lives on the line for the military. When they come home after serving, do they really get the support that they need?

After all, the transition to civilian life can be very difficult. They have to think differently and change their behaviors, schedules and expectations. They may be dealing with issues, from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to depression, that they didn’t have before serving. Some may have physical handicaps as a result of their service that now impact their lives.

All too often, though, it seems like people expect them to just jump back into normal life without an issue. They may feel like they have no support, and they are all on their own. Sometimes, it’s hard to find the support they need, and they face long wait times even when they do.

Many veterans fail to seek support because it’s unclear where to turn. Even those who do seek it do not always have positive experiences. One man knew that he needed counseling, for instance, but said that the people he met with were “dismissive and condescending.” He felt like they did not take his condition seriously and did not help him through it at all.

What has become clear is that the United States is often good at training service members and sending them overseas, but the country often does not do enough to help them on the other side of that service, as they come back to America.

Those who are facing physical, mental and emotional challenges after their time in the military really need to know exactly what options they have.