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To Questions About Your Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Attorney Shawn Taylor

Applying for SSD after a rotator cuff injury

by | Feb 21, 2020 | Social Security Disability |

When people in West Virginia suffer a rotator cuff injury to the shoulder, they may find it exceedingly painful and difficult to perform their duties at work. The Social Security Administration recognizes that this type of injury is a severe medical condition. However, it is not listed specifically in the SSA’s Blue Book, the document used to assess conditions for Social Security Disability benefits. Some people may be able to qualify for disability benefits after a serious rotator cuff tear, but the specifics depend on each person’s medical records.

In order to receive Social Security Disability, the applicant’s disability must be expected to persist for at least 12 months. In many cases, people may face difficulty qualifying for SSD benefits because their rotator cuff injury, while severe, is expected to reach full recovery before that point. The Social Security Administration evaluates shoulder injuries as a type of joint dysfunction. In order to receive benefits under this guideline, people must experience a serious deformity of the joint, chronic pain and an inability to move the joint effectively. While some people with rotator cuff tears meet these guidelines, others may face more difficulties.

Medical records can be an important part of a Social Security Disability case. Medical records, including scans, objective tests and records of pain and impairment, can help to back up an applicant’s claim that their injury meets the guidelines. Of course, an applicant’s eligibility and capacity for other types of work, including jobs they have performed in the past, are also taken into account.

Many people who need disability benefits face an initial denial when they first apply, and some of these may later be approved through the appeals process or a disability hearing. A Social Security Disability attorney may help people to navigate the process effectively while pursuing their claims.