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To Questions About Your Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Attorney Shawn Taylor

Waiting for an SSD decision

by | Apr 10, 2019 | Social Security Disability |

West Virginia residents who are waiting for a decision regarding their Social Security Disability eligibility often wonder how long it will take to receive it. This is understandable, as applicants are often financially strapped due to an inability to work.

The time that it takes to receive a letter confirming or denying Social Security Disability benefits depends on an individual’s case and whether it has gone into appeals. Initial applications for SSD are routinely denied by the Social Security Administration. In fact, it is believed that 70 percent of these applications are rejected. In many cases, applicants will have to file several appeals before receiving benefits.

After an initial application for benefits is made, applicants will typically receive a letter fairly quickly. If the applicant receives a denial letter, he or she has a limited time to appeal. This means that it is very important for applicants to monitor their mail so that they can do what is necessary to keep the process moving.

First appeals are also denied at a rate of about 80 percent. At that point, the applicant must file a second appeal, which involves a hearing in front of an administrative court judge. It is at this hearing that the chances of approval may increase. Once benefits have been approved, the claimant may also be awarded coverage for time spent in the application process or, in some cases, from the time that he or she became disabled. Individuals who are living with a disability or illness and decide to apply for SSD might want to have the assistance of an experienced attorney throughout the process.