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Attorney Shawn Taylor

Seeking SSD benefits for an anxiety disorder

by | Jan 23, 2019 | Social Security Disability Benefits For Mental Conditions |

For people in South Carolina dealing with anxiety disorders or other psychological problems, the effects of their illness can be significant. In some cases, their anxiety is so severe that they are unable to work. These conditions involve persistent tension, unease or apprehension; more than simple worry or nervousness, disabling anxiety can lead to pervasive terror provoked by normal events. There are several different types of anxiety disorders, and the effectiveness of treatment can vary significantly from case to case.

Even though these disorders can be disabling, sufferers may face challenges when applying for Social Security Disability benefits. Because these diagnoses are subjective and difficult to document through objective statistics, tests or other physical criteria, applicants may face a higher level of skepticism. In order to successfully seek benefits, it is important for applicants to show a long history of treatment by physicians and qualified mental health experts. It is also important that these medical records indicate that the anxiety is so severe that it prevents the applicant from working and interferes with daily life functions.

Anxiety disorders are considered in the section of the Social Security Administration’s “Blue Book” applying to mental disorders. Under the SSD guidelines, applicants must show that their anxiety disorder leads to serious problems or a complete inability to function outside the home. For example, applicants may need to show difficulty maintaining concentration, persistence and social functioning.

People who are unable to work due to the effects of their anxiety disorder may be able to find help through Social Security Disability benefits for mental conditions. By working with a disability lawyer, people can work to present a clear, strong case that best represents the effects that this condition has on their daily lives.