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To Questions About Your Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Attorney Shawn Taylor

The odds of getting benefits without a hearing

On Behalf of | Nov 15, 2018 | Social Security Disability |

West Virginia residents who apply for Social Security Disability benefits will likely need to see a judge to have their applications approved. However, there is a chance that a person will obtain benefits without having to do so. About 30 percent of applicants will be approved after submitting their initial claim. Another 15 percent are approved at the reconsideration appeal level. To increase the chances of approval before the hearing level, individuals should see their own doctor.

Ideally, they will do so within 90 days of applying for SSD benefits. Doing so may eliminate the need to attend a consultative examination. Furthermore, an applicant’s physician should include as much information as possible to an examiner. This should include the type of condition a person has, how he or she is responding to treatment and how it impacts an applicant’s ability to work.

Individuals who apply for benefits should be as detailed as possible about their work history. By accurately detailing past job duties, an examiner may be able to make a decision as to whether an individual is sufficiently disabled. Furthermore, an examiner may be able to determine if an individual is unable to perform any type of work. If this is the case, an application is likely to be approved without the need for a hearing before a judge.

Those who have a permanent inability to work may need assistance to pay bills or provide for loved ones. The federal government may provide benefits to those who are sufficiently disabled and cannot find and retain gainful employment. If a claim is denied, an attorney may be able to assist an applicant in gathering evidence to overturn this decision.