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Clear & Honest Answers
To Questions About Your Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Attorney Shawn Taylor

Interview for SSDI or SSI

On Behalf of | Mar 28, 2018 | Social Security Disability |

West Virginia residents who seek to claim Social Security benefits can file their SSI and SSDI applications online, on the telephone or by visiting a nearby Social Security office. Because it tends to provide incorrect information, it is not advisable to use the teleclaims center. Individuals are also advised against filing for disability benefits online because the online process cannot be used if they have to file for SSI disability. They will also be unable to consult directly with a claims representative, who may be able to help alleviate confusion and prevent mistakes that can occur while applying for the benefits or appealing denied benefits.

Part of the application process involves undergoing an interview, which can be conducted in person at a local Social Security office or on the phone. For individuals who opt to submit the disability claim in person, they should be prepared to submit a picture ID.

For those who unable to provide an ID, they will be required to undergo an identification procedure, which will entail a claims representative asking them five personal questions. The applicants will have to provide their Social Security number, the location of their birth, their date or birth, a current address and the names of their parents.

Applicants should also bring with them a copy of their birth certificate and be ready to provide answers for questions regarding specific topics. Some of the questions will pertain to their medical conditions, medications and sources of treatment.

An attorney who practices disability law may assist clients who are unable to work due to a disability with applying for Social Security Disability benefits. Clients may be advised of the federal regulations pertaining to SSDI. Assistance might also be provided for appealing denied claims or verifying medical conditions. The attorney may be able to advocate on behalf of clients during appeal hearings.