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To Questions About Your Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Attorney Shawn Taylor

Obtaining Social Security Benefits For Progressive Massive Fibrosis

On Behalf of | Jan 25, 2018 | Social Security Disability |

Progressive Massive Fibrosis (PMF), also known as conglomerate masses is a form of lung scarring caused by the accumulation of fibrotic masses in the upper limbs of the lungs. It is most often caused by pneumoconiosis, a lung disease caused by exposure to dust materials.

Typically, pneumoconiosis is an occupational lung disease and can be further classified by the diseases named for the dusts that cause them:

  • Silicosis
  • Asbestosis
  • Black lung disease, also known as coal workers’ pneumoconiosis or CWP
  • Bauxite fibrosis
  • Siderosis

Respiratory function becomes impaired when dust particles get embedded in the alveoli and bronchioles. All of these diseases are progressive and irreversible, even after exposure has been eliminated.

When the scarring is relatively minor, an individual may develop emphysema. When the scarring is significant, Progressive Massive Fibrosis or PMF develops. PMF is a significant condition because it can severely limit the function of the lungs and can ultimately lead to lung failure.

What Is Needed To Obtain Benefits

Individuals with severe respiratory disorders such as PMF should investigate obtaining Social Security Disability benefits right away. The Social Security application process can be lengthy and requires extensive documentation. Individuals will want to make sure they have Social Security in place when they need it.

Medical documentation is important for individuals with respiratory disorders because the symptoms associated with PMF, such as coughing, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain and breathing difficulties may resemble other medical conditions. It can be very helpful to work with a Social Security Disability lawyer who has experience working with doctors to ensure that your medical records provide adequate information to support your claim. This will likely include imaging evidence, such as CT scans and x-rays.