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To Questions About Your Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Benefits

Attorney Shawn Taylor

Requirements For Applying And Receiving SSI

On Behalf of | Sep 22, 2017 | Ssi Supplemental Security Income |

Residents in West Virginia and other states who are unable to work because of a disability or because they are at retirement age can sometimes file for Supplemental Security Income, or SSI. There are a few requirements that one needs to know about before applying. A person can complete an application online or at a local Social Security office.

Anyone who is age 65 or older, blind or disabled can apply for SSI. Others who are on a limited income, have limited financial resources and are United States citizens can apply as well. A person must not be confined to an institution or apply for other types of cash benefits, such as a pension. There are other requirements that need to be met as well. One must give the Social Security Administration permission to contact financial institutions and other sources to get more information about their circumstance.

The Social Security Administration considers an adult or child to be blind if the vision is 20/200 or less while using a corrective lens. Some people who have a visual impairment but aren’t blind could still receive disability benefits. Someone is considered disabled under 18 years of age if there are physical or mental limitations that prevent the person from working, that limit the basic daily functions or that could result in death. These conditions must have lasted or be expected to last for at least 12 months. Adults are considered disabled in the same manner, but the impairment must prevent the person from working or being involved in gainful activities.

If a person has been denied SSI Supplemental Security Income, an experienced attorney may be able to offer assistance. The attorney would file documents from doctors and others who know about their disability in order to open the claim once again. An attorney can often fight for back payments for disability that is owed from the time the application was denied.