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Attorney Shawn Taylor

Social Security Disability – After Claim Acceptance Tips

On Behalf of | Nov 15, 2016 | Firm News |

If your social security disability claim meets the criteria for acceptance, you might think the entire process is over. However, that is not necessarily the case. For most people, their case is periodically reviewed to determine if they are still medically unfit to return to work. Typically, after 3 years your case will come up again for a Continuing Disability Review.

So even if you have won your initial case, a good social security disability tip is to keep good records of any work you performed after receiving disability or SSI benefits. If addition, keep track of any surgeries performed on you and any visits you had with any medical professionals such as your physician, physical therapists and the like.

Fortunately, most of the data you need to keep track of is information required when you fill out your regular annual tax returns. As long as you keep good records of any work income you received in the past three years, you should be well on your way to meeting the requirements required for your Continued Disability Review.

The gas mileage expenses you incur for various medical visits is also tax-deductible, so it is prudent to keep track of this type of information throughout every tax year. If you’ve kept good records of all the medical professionals you’ve visited in the last 3 years, along with any visits to hospitals for surgical procedures, you should have a good base from which to draw from when it comes to filling out your Continued Disability Review form.

For more information on how to keep good records that will help you with your disability case, please contact us.